The Monday Night Gridiron Club is a non-profit organization focused on supporting the North Attleboro High
School Red Rocketeers football team.
It’s primary fundraising activities include generating advertising revenue by publishing game day
For more information about the Gridiron club and it’s activities, to make a donation, or learn how you can
place an ad in the game day program book, please contact
Support Big Red Football
If you would like to support Big Red Football with a membership to the Gridiron Club, please click on the following
link, print the document, and mail it back to the Gridiron Club with your nominal membership fee enclosed.
Click here to make a donation to support Big Red Football**
If you become a Gridiron Member by pledging $25 per family you get your choice of a free t-shirt
or a free membership water bottle (see images below). If you want to purchase more you can for $20
for the long sleeve shirt & $10 for the short sleeve shirt.
Click here to see the Gridiron Club's 2013 Membership.**
THANK YOU to all who contributed!
Submit a Personal Message
In 2011 for the first time parents and relatives were offered the opportunity to place personal messages in the
football program book at a special reduced rate. The program book has always been a nice memento of the
season for players and their families. The inclusion of individual messages provides an added personal touch
and has been well received.
If you would like to support Big Red Football and place an personal message in our Program Book, please click
on the following "Personal Messages/Well Wishes" link, print the document, and mail it back to the Gridiron
Club with your check enclosed. Please also submit by August 22nd to
Personal Messages/Well Wishes**
Submit an Ad
If you would like to support Big Red Football and place an ad in our Program Book, please click on the
following link, print the document, and mail it back to the Gridiron Club with your check enclosed.
Advertisement Letter**
** NOTE: Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view this document.
If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can download it by going to